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Alle posts die niet werk-gerelateerd zijn. Archief voor 2008.

Spring is here, time to start a new blog

Actually I don't like the word 'blog'. Or those silly upward facing quotes. But I've decided to go with the flow for this new thing that will go on this site. By writing in Apple's iWeb and only in English I should be able to have at least one blog entry a week. Subjects can be anything that catches my fancy.

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-03-28

Geert Wilders' movie Fitna

A few days ago, Dutch politician Geert Wilders finally released his 17-minute movie Fitna online.

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-03-30

Looking forward to 3G/UMTS: better sound!

A long, long time ago, someone decided that an 8 kHz sampling rate was good enough for phone conversations. That's pretty crappy. And cell phones use last century's compression to make it sound even worse. But there is light at the end of the tunnel: AMR-WB on UMTS!

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-05-04

Flash on the iPhone? No thanks.

There have been a lot of complaints about the iPhone not having flash, but even my previous Mac, a 1.25 GHz G4, could barely keep up with Flash on some occasions. I'm quite happy to live without that kind of abuse on the new phone I'm going to stand in line for next month on the 11th.

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-06-24

→ Assisted GPS and the iPhone

Assisted GPS: why the iPhone 3G may need some GPS assistance of its own.

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-06-25

My take on the iPhone 3G, especially its GPS

It was a given that at some point, I would get myself an iPhone. So why delay the inevitable?

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-07-14

Cool, posting photos directly from my iPhone!

Image link - posted 2008-08-24

Hangouderen in Leganés

Image link - posted 2008-08-25

Spider webs in Cambridge

Image link - posted 2008-09-28

Rainbow in Cambridge!

Image link - posted 2008-10-03

→ Using the iPhone’s GPS without a network connection

We know the iPhone 3G has "assisted" GPS that uses the phone's Internet connection, but with some patience and preparation, you can still use Google Maps and the GPS to some degree without connectivity.

Lees het artikel - geplaatst 2008-10-20

iPhone 3G battery still going strong after 3.5 days, who knew?

Image link - posted 2008-12-02

Christmas in The Hague!

Image link - posted 2008-12-24

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